samedi 5 janvier 2008

Disabled girl gets US home, searches for Indian parents

Disabled girl gets US home, searches for Indian parents
Swetha Balasubramanian / CNN-IBN
Published on Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 17:26 in Nation section
ART FROM THE HEART: Minda's passion and talent for painting have enabled her to sell an entire gallery of paintings.

Bangalore: Her journey began at the Ashraya children's home in Bangalore where Minda spend the first 20 months of her life.
Born without arms and legs, Minda was abandoned when she was just one day old by her biological mother. But there were others who saw beyond her condition.
Minda was adopted by an American couple and taken to the US — to a new family and a new future.
"I admit it has not been easy. I wanted to be a normal child. I wanted people to know that I am not being sad about being disabled. But I am really finding my disability being a blessing," says she.
Minda's adoptive mother, Cathy Cox says she saw something special in her daughter the first time she laid eyes on her.
"I thought this is a baby with courage and this is a baby with love for life. She was a happy child, wasn't afraid and wasn't shy, so I thought she'll be fine," says Cathy.
Minda's passion and talent for painting have enabled her to sell an entire gallery of paintings in her hometown in Missouri. She has used her earnings to return to India and search for her biological mother — the woman who named her Swapna, and left her to her fate in a hospital room 20 years back.
Minda says she is grateful to her biological mother for keeping her alive and would someday like to meet her and thank her.

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